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2022 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Rosé

2022 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Rosé
Wine Specs
Pinot Noir
Willamette Valley
Harvest Date
October 20, 2022
0.75 gr/100 ml
Bottling Date
February 16, 2023 
Residual Sugar
0.1gr/100 ml
Alcohol %
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/ 750ml bottle
SKU: 2022Rose
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/ Case of 12
Wine Specs
Pinot Noir
Willamette Valley
Harvest Date
October 20, 2022
0.75 gr/100 ml
Bottling Date
February 16, 2023 
Residual Sugar
0.1gr/100 ml
Alcohol %
Wine Profile
Tasting Notes
The flavors are bright and sweet displaying a mixture of high tone red fruit and dark cherries, floral notes, caramel, and light oak toast followed by a peppery spiciness.
Vineyard Notes
Tukwilla Vineyard is on the lower slopes of the Dundee Hills AVA, between 300- and 350-feet elevation, the soil are basaltic, a mix of Jory, and alluvial Woodburn.  
Production Notes
The 2022 growing season started with an average bud break in early April, following a cold and wet winter with a few snow events. It was a typical cold Oregonian winter. In mid-April turned colder than average with an unreasonably late snow/frost event that damaged some of the buds which led to smaller yields. We had to wait for secondary buds to appear which pushed back the forecasted harvest dates to October. The cold wet spring also amped up the pressure of mildew in the vineyards. After getting off to less than ideal start the growing season flipped to the other extreme with record setting temperatures in July, August and September. Bloom occurred during the warm dry weather flowering went well offsetting some of our previous concerns about the low yield. Expecting an October harvest date led to some worries about underripe fruit, rain, birds and disease pressure. Those worries all went away with perfect weather late in the summer into October. The grape yields were on the low side with fruit displaying perfect balance of flavors, sugars and acid. Torii Mor’s harvest started on October 7thth and finished on October 26th.
Winemaker Notes
Harvested on October 20th at 22.4 Brix; this Rosé fruit was destemmed, crushed, and soaked on skins for 24 hours before pressing. The juice was racked to a stainless-steel tank and inoculated with Delta yeast. The wine did not go through Malo-Lactic fermentation and was racked and sterile filtered at bottling.
Other Notes
Production: 663 cases